
Me again. Im in Perth now so someone please pass that on to Mam so she doesn’t get worried! Which she probably has already. Im having a good time here in the future. We’re in the hostel and are in a four bed dorm, I had to wait for this one guy to go coz he was still using my bed when he shouldnt be here and some girl is still using my cuboard, apart from that the showers are good and we’ve got the car after spending 20 mins looking for it this morning at the airport. We just had a walk round Perth to see whats about and had a meal in this itallian(i think) place. Very nice. Im gonna sleep tonight though, time travel is weird. I am taking pictures but will have to find a creative way to get them up here somehow, im using one of the hostels computers at the mo and don’t think they let you connect cameras or whatever. I’ll let you know!


21:08 here 14:20 your end.


4 Responses to “Perth”

  1. Richard Saunders Says:

    Your right time travel plays with your body, and it will for a few days.

    Glad to hear you got to OZ safely. wait to hear from you soon

    Take Care


  2. Colin Smith Says:

    Glad you got there safely. The pic of the meal looks interesting….trust it tasted better than it looked!!!! At least they drive on the left in Oz (at least I think they do) watch out for the speed cameras!!!

    Take care


  3. chloeeeeeee :) Says:

    ehhhe!!! ahh you are so friggin lucky my dear!!!

    i love all the pictures. and that girl is a legend, i bet she doesnt’ know like, people are reading about her in wales. how awesome is this!?! ahha.

    ohh well. simple things.. ;)


  4. Linda Smith Says:

    At last!!! I’m on the blog. Just come back from BB - been practicing for awards night.
    Have told Mam and Dad where you are - think Mam is on your case!!
    I’ve passed blog details to all the Ichthyans so they may keep in touch with you.
    Heard this evening that Hannah Davies (May Davies granddaughter) got her graduation results today - she had a 2:1 so she is pleased.
    Off to have a toasted tea cake and a cuppa before bed.

    Take care


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