Archive for the ‘Perth’ Category


Thursday, June 28th, 2007

Day 3

We were going to go out again last night but Jonny wanted a little 30 minute kip first and collapsed on his bed and told me to wake him up again in 30 minutes. I didn’t feel that tired so ok’d it. Then I sort of kinda fell asleep too and told him to wake me up in 30 minutes which I think he sort of groaned (agreed) to. The next thing we know is our dorm mates comming in at 11 saying ‘Hey what happened to your big night out?’ So we both looked at each other in confusion and needless to say we didn’t bother going out then. Apparently Jonny went to the kitchen for a bit and came back asking me if I wanted anything but didn’t get a response so decided to shout at me that there was a fire but I all I remember is him waving his arms about and yelling, and me trying to say ssshh, leave me alone, I was out of it. So because we had gone to bed at 20:30, I was awake at 5.00 so just stayed there for as long as I could trying to get back to sleep so I could get up at about 9.00. The girl who snores like a bore got up at about 6.00 for work, without a crash landing this time, then I went to the toilet out of boredness after which I did manage to fall back to sleep and then didn’t wake up till about 13:10!! Sleeping patterns are all over the place!!
Anyway so then we ready on the double and drove down to Fremantle for a gander, I’m used to driving now, its not very different to home thankfully. There wasn’t much to do there so just had some food then drove south a bit to find a beach which we did but by now it was getting dark so didn’t stay long.
Bigger plans for tomorrow though, we’re checking out of here and gonna drive down to Albany and stay there for a night then come back up past Perth onto the Pinnacles, then further up again to Geraldton then North west to Mt Magnet. Then we’ll come back down to Perth to give the car in and jump on the train to Melbourne.


Its raining

Wednesday, June 27th, 2007

So we’ve just spent the first night in Perth, It was a mostly sleepless night after the girl in the bunk above mine stopped falling out of it ha ha. We had all just settled down and fallen asleep then BANG - really loud so we asked if she was alright and she said yeh but you could tell she was in pain lol so then she’s fiddling about with somthing and she went round the top end of my bunk for some reason which is where my bags are so I was suss but it was just to plug her phone in. Then she climbs back up then what seemed like only minutes later she fell out again! Jonny told me today he saw her fall out the first time and had to bite his arm to stop himself from laughing. Then we had to put up with her snoring!

Then today we didn’t go out till about 13:00 coz Jonny decided to stay in bed till gone 12!! tut tut. So we went for a drive in what we discovered was completely the wrong direction for anything so brought the car back and walked to the city centre which we’ve also just discovered was the incredibly long way - It took us about 30 mins to walk there and actually find the main part of the city so had a look round and went to a book shop and found some maps. I had a self-service chinese which was nice, Jonny got a subway and then the power went off which was quite funny. We decided to try a different way back and found even better shops and nearly got run over by police on mountain bikes. It only took us 5 mins to get back! We got soaked too from the rain which made it feel a lot like home.



Tuesday, June 26th, 2007

Me again. Im in Perth now so someone please pass that on to Mam so she doesn’t get worried! Which she probably has already. Im having a good time here in the future. We’re in the hostel and are in a four bed dorm, I had to wait for this one guy to go coz he was still using my bed when he shouldnt be here and some girl is still using my cuboard, apart from that the showers are good and we’ve got the car after spending 20 mins looking for it this morning at the airport. We just had a walk round Perth to see whats about and had a meal in this itallian(i think) place. Very nice. Im gonna sleep tonight though, time travel is weird. I am taking pictures but will have to find a creative way to get them up here somehow, im using one of the hostels computers at the mo and don’t think they let you connect cameras or whatever. I’ll let you know!


21:08 here 14:20 your end.
